On every level- musically, historically, emotionally and existentially - this experience is impeccable. Chessman's libretto, paired with the grounded and yet transcendent sound of the Kronos Quartet, carries your heart to the heights and depths of this story.Berger's composition has both roots and wings. Van-Anh Vo graces the composition with the delicate presence of a butterfly and resounding thunder claps insisting we pay attention! Eckert ...what does one say? 75 minutes of rising and falling and rising again. The resonant ascendancy of beautiful notes, alternately plunging into discordant hell, was astounding. The talents of Cameron, DeChiazza, Scott, Fraser and Mohr added visual cues that led us in and out of three landings. Exhausted, inspired and struck dumb, I re-entered the world remembering. And to Kristy Edmunds and her team.....Royce Hall rocks in the best ways possible.