I've seen Gino and band quite a few times. The band is wonderful. The are all great players giving it their. I've seen Gino at The Parker three or four times. The last two times (his last two times there), the sound engineering was terrible. I was at least pleased that we didn't get the typical live rumbly bass and drum sound, but, what we did get was really piercing upper mid-range frequencies. Gino's voice sounded garbled, but, was piercingly loud when he hit notes around 1K, 2K and 4K. This also happened in the guitar players tones. I had forgot my earplugs, but, because of Gino's last show at The Parker, had stuffed napkins in my ears. Otherwise, it would have been way too painful. I'm not saying that the mixers should be fired, but, send them back to school. If Gino could hear what it sounded like, he would not put up with it.