Great show
by JW Coop on 7/2/24Delta Downs Event Center - VintonThe Gatlins put on a great show. Voices and harmony are still awesome. Great singing and great storytelling.
The Mansion - MO
Arlington Music Hall
The Mansion - MO
The Grand 1894 Opera House - TX
The Gatlins put on a great show. Voices and harmony are still awesome. Great singing and great storytelling.
The Gatlin Brothers show did not disappoint. It was wonderful! I was disappointed at first because there were no risers, as advertised, but no one sat in the seats in front of us, so it was perfect. The length of the concert was great and I sang along with every song. Great ushers at the venue also.
As always they did not disappoint. I think I was at the Astrodome when they set the attendance record. Have seen them at the opery too. Always great!
Excellent show and excellent seats. Very good experience.
My husband and I enjoyed the concert very much!! We love the Gatlins and to see them in person was better than we expected. Their music and then the Christmas songs were excellent!!!!
Awesome concert. Gatlin Brothers are the best. Beautiful theater.
Oldies but goodies! They were great and played for 90 minutes straight.
I have heard the Gatlin brothers most of my life, they were absolutely amazing in concert. I loved it and hope I can see them again. Best concert I have seen in some time. LOVED IT!!!
The Gatlin Brothers at the Bijou Theatre was the best birthday gift ever. They were wonderful from beginning to the last song. They are funny and tells great stories along with their songs. We will see them again.
The Gatlin Brothers were very entertaining. the show was a great mixture of patriotic comedy and Patriotic music. The electric guitar accompaniment was outstanding as well. The Christmas part of the show was fantastic!