could not attend
by Tom on 10/2/24All Seasons Arena - North Dakota State Fair - MinotWas unable to attend the Garrison Keeler performance due to family and health conflicts.
Arlington Music Hall
Was unable to attend the Garrison Keeler performance due to family and health conflicts.
It was a surprise to me that Garrison Keillor opened the show by walking down the isles singing and greeting people as he passed. He brought back memories of listening to Prairie Home Companion on my car radio on long trips. Loved his sense of humor and how his back up people played along to help make it funny. I can't believe a person of 82 could stand up there for 2 hrs. entertaining us and not taking a break. I hope he can keep doing this for years to come.
It was great to listen to Garrison Keillor again. He has wonderful stories and a great way to tell them. It was wonderful to feel good and laugh for 2 hours. We miss his weekly radio program
Garrison Keillor is a national treasure so an opportunity to enjoy him in person is always wonderful, especially in a small venue. I drove 6 hours for this experience and met someone who drove 8 hours. A magical evening from someone so unique- - like spending time with Mark Twain!!!
It was a great show. We left in such a great mood. We could not believe what a fantastic memory he has for details.
First 45 minutes was good and he started to get vulgar and my date look very disgusted so we left early although I've been a fan of his for over 30 years. I was hoping for the rest of the gang in his show then I would've stayed.
Anyone who loves Garrison Keillor would love this show. Feel good and funny stories that bring out the human element. Was amazing to see him in person!
The performance was a very stripped down version of Prairie Home Companion. At 81, Garrison can still hold his own telling stories, but it's hard to fill 2 hours w/o the variety that characterized PHC. No "Guy Noir", sound effects, sponsor messages, pr various folk groups. The accompanying pianist is a real talent, following Garrison around poetic rambles.
Two hours of classic Keillor! First hour a celebration of April as Poetry Month: second hour rendition of Lake Wobegon interspersed with a singing intermission. Garrison peppered his commentary with humor about the Lutherans (although I doubt there were many in the audience as Boise is not the Midwest) and a few jabs at the GOP (of which Idaho is full)…but both in a lightness that was not offensive. I was a bit surprised at the ribaldness of some of his sexual humor—perhaps this is part of his stick sans Prairie Home Companion.
What a wonderful show! Garrison Keillor is such an amazing raconteur. His ability to weave stories with poetry and music is awe inspiring. How an 81 year old man can put on a 2 plus hour performance and then go to front of the theatre and speak with audience members afterwards is mind boggling. Truly phenomenal!