SuperSuckers bring RAWK to Hotlanta!
by atkins902 on 7/19/24The Masquerade - Purgatory - AtlantaAwesome night of pure adrenaline RAWK music from America's best kept secret... the self proclaimed greatest rock band in the world that is only appreciated by true connoisseurs of quality. This show started with their biggest hit "Pretty F'd Up"and smacked us with 4 more of the best tunes before any breather was taken to talk to the crowd. Next we went into new album mode with three new songs I had never heard (because the record is not out yet) and the rocked. Then, right back to a solid hour of crowd pleasers. Well worth the money and the opening acts were solid too. The guys are always approachable after the show so make sure to say hello and get an awesome t-shirt or record. The highlight of my summer concerts so far.