It was extremely boring. They did not start on time and it was very unorganized.

Classic Battle of the Bands Tickets
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Rating: 2 out of 5by Anonymous on 9/17/14Whitehaven High School - Memphis Rating: 2 out of 5 RE: Disappointed
by Ronvic on 9/13/11Whitehaven High School - MemphisA friend told me about the battle of bands during the Southern Hertiage Classic. This year I decided to purchase tickets on line for the battle of the band with great hope of an enjoyable outting for the family. When we arrived we were so exicted to see two bands, with the expectation that more bands were to show. After sitting in the hot sun, the DJ announced that there was a parade at Orange Mound during the same time as the Battle of Band, so we continue to sat there hoping that once the parade was over, that all the other bands would come, esp JSU and TSU, but to our total disappointment, no show. Only two bands, Whiteheaven and Whitehurt, which was fair. I feel that those in charge should have communicated or arranged the entire Classic better, many parents and relatives traveled a long distant to see their children or love ones perform at the Battle of the Band. I am sorry but, we were truly disappointed and felt as if we waited our money. Ron