Thrash as seen in 1986
by Anonymous on 10/14/11Masquerade - AtlantaThe show started off with Diamond Plate, a really interesting up-and-coming thrash metal act. They were really engaging with the crowd and each other, and were clearly enjoying themselves. They played quite a few songs off of their latest release "Generation Why", and I can assure you I'll be buying that in a hurry. Next up was Landmine Marathon, an extreme metal act. While the lead singer is a supremely attractive woman who can growl and shriek as well or better than any given male singer, there wasn't really much of interest for me. They clearly have some talent but their music is just not my cup of tea. Lazarus A.D. took the stage next, and just like the last time I saw them perform, they performed extremely competently. No standout songs, probably because I don't know much of their discography, but it was a fun set. Last up was Warbringer. Now, it's probably because they were the only band I knew all the songs for, but these guys were incredible. They put on an amazing set that everyone got into the pit for. Kevill's unique style of singing made the lyrics clear and easy to shout to, and all of the instruments were distinguishable, so kudos to the sound engineer in the back of the venue. Kevill really knows how to work the crowd, so he didn't have to ask to get a pit started, we were more than happy to oblige. Their setlist was damned near perfect, and included Living Weapon, Shattered Like Glass, Total War, Abandoned by Time, Jackal, Demonic Ecstasy, and the possibly unanticipated encore Combat Shock, and those are just what I can remember. Warbringer was easily one of the best acts I've ever seen live, and it's a true testament to how much they care about their music. I should mention that all the band members from each act hung around in the crowd during each other's sets. All of them were beyond nice, and were genuinely happy that people were into their music. They really make it easy to root for their future success, and if this show is any indicator as to how they treat their fans and how much effort they put into their live sets, they'll hopefully have a long, successful career.