The Cat Empire is a genre-defying ensemble that formed in Melbourne, Australia, in 1999. Blending ska, jazz, rocksteady, and hip-hop, the six-piece produces a wildly eclectic sound and live show that has toured worldwide, from major festivals like Glastonbury to making buzzworthy appearances on the Late Show with David Letterman and The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. The Cat Empire has produced multiple No. 1 albums in Australia, including Two Shoes (2005) and Rising with the Sun (2016). After announcing their decision to disband in 2021, a refreshed lineup was announced in July 2023 led by original members Ollie McGill and Felix Riebl with the additions of Grace Barbé on bass, Daniel Farrugia on drums, Neda Rahmani on percussion and Lazaro Numa on trumpet. On August 25, The Cat Empire released their ninth studio album, Where The Angels Fall, with a supporting world tour scheduled for the fall.?
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