Wednesday's concert was excellent. I'd like to say top to bottom, but i personally couldn't get too into the first band. The 2nd band, SóLSTAFIR was impressive from sound, their front man's command of the audience, immense level of talent, playing to the camera, and even walking the front barrier & making a crowd connection. Paradise Lost came here for what i know to be the first time since Katatonia and The Devin Townsend Experience 6 years ago--SIX---in 2012, so their 30th anniversary concert was even more appreciated because of it. The sound was better than expected {many venues have decent sound at best}, the singer was funny, and though they didn't do my favorite song of theirs {2 Worlds}, it was a fun night full of about 12-15 songs, and my favorite: 0 moshing, surging, or crowdsurfing, just appreciating metal talent. (Plus beautiful weather was an added plus!)