2024 marks the 25th anniversary of the hit anime series, One Piece. In celebration of the show’s silver anniversary, the One Piece Music Symphony will embark on a world tour. Started more than 10 years ago, the One Piece Music Symphony is the one and only official One Piece concert, with music arranged and curated in direct collaboration with original composer Kohei Tanaka. The event will feature a world-class symphony taking on One Piece’s emotive and memorable compositions, playing in sync with the anime series projected on a giant screen behind them. Fans old and new can experience the best moments from the straw hat crew’s thrilling adventures, together with the sound of the show’s most vibrant music making for an immersive experience. The music program will feature fan-favorite songs such as “We Are!,” “Sai sai saikyou!!!,” “Oitsumerareta,” “Binks no Sake” and a few new pieces specifically made to celebrate the occasion.
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