Most under-rated artist of our time
by jonnyrecord on 11/20/12Middle East - CambridgeRating: 5 out of 5Martha Wainwright is beyond phenomenal. This is not my opinion, it is simply fact. The lyrics to her songs are heartbreaking and inspirational. The production on her albums as well as the raw, intimate live performances with nothing more than her vocals and a guitar are equally stunning. (although i prefer the solo/guitar sound).
Seeing Martha Wainwright in a tiny, underground venue.. front row, it really doesnt get better that that. It blows my mind that people pay hundreds of dollars to see big name acts, from way back in a giant arena, and yet the most real music to be found can be heard for only $15, up close and personal. I could go on for days, I love Martha Wainwright, especially live, and I will support her forever.