I have heard of Juliana Hatfield over the years but never really listened to her music until I heard a track from Become What You Are on Radio Paradise a couple of years ago. I can't recall the specific track but it made an impression strong enough for me to buy (and it was hard to find) the CD. That album is very strong from start to finish and I regularly boast it to my friends as a release to check out as an opportunity to experience a gal with various and very unique talents. So I caught an announcement in the Boston Globe about the JH3 joining up for the first time since that release and I scooped the tickets. I was pleased, to say the least, that Juliana announced that they would be playing the entire Become What You Are release that night. The album has very good engineering & production and there are of course some vocal overdubs but when played live I really liked how Juliana improvised using her vocal chops, suddenly changing pitch and loudness. After that first half of the show, the band came back on to perform tracks from the new release entitled Whatever, My Love. After 21 years the band has that characteristic JH3 sound and it is a sound all their own. But there were a couple of tunes that had a notably harder/faster edge. The change in tempo and edginess took me by surprise but I really liked it and especially how Juliana laid into some raucous guitar work. So needless to say that I will be purchasing the new release. And for what it's worth, I bought a poster after the show and I give kudos to the artist. Juliana herself possesses very unique talents and it is that uniqueness with the ability to make good music that makes her stand apart. I recommend catching this gem of an artist and I will also say that she has a very likeable and yes, dare I say "cute" stage presence. She appreciated her fans and she poked some fun at her band members which brought on some laughter from the crowd. I felt fortunate to experience Juliana, her JH3 and to be in a venue well suited for the trio. She of course has Boston roots, stated that she loved the venue and is able to walk there from her home. Locality aside, she is a world class act.