Must see
by Eastninth on 10/8/24Minetta Lane Theatre - New YorkInsanely creative, multiply gifted cast, fascinating self portrait of the artist and the city
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Insanely creative, multiply gifted cast, fascinating self portrait of the artist and the city
Todd Almond is one of the most talented people on the planet so seeing him in this restrictive format was disappointing. I support artists creating what they need to create but I hope the next time I experience his work that it will be in a format that showcases all of his considerable gifts.
I thought this piece was entertaining and liked the two additional musicians. But in the end, it was a personal journey with a musician who was very self-absorbed. Many of the other characters were viewed as obstacles vs. friends or sympathetic people. It was all about him! Even his new "love' interest was treated badly.
Todd Almond was amazing. The show was magical, so smart and heart-felt, beautifully crafted and staged, with a lot to think about after it was over. More like that please!
We first learned about Todd Almond with his touching work "Kansas City Choir Boy"at the Prototype Festival several years ago, co-produced by Beth Morrison Projects and HERE, featuring Courtney Love. I'm Almost There isn't quite as clear a narrative, more in the "magical realism"genre, but lovely and very sweet nonetheless. A lot of talent on that stage!