The venue was wonderful. The Lincoln Theater in Washington DC was easy to get to, was a historic and attractive old building, and had that early 20th Century glamour that so many theatres of that age have.
I had previously been knocked off my socks by Ms. Reinhart's performances of Creep, All About The Bass, and other songs with Post Modern Jukebox; and My Baby Just Cares For Me with Jeff Goldblum's Mildred Snitzer Orchestra - the woman has pipes!
But this event was sonically disappointing. It didn't matter to me that the repertoire was as she decided for this show. But the sound was awful. It was midrange mud from start to finish. If I hadn't seen her lips moving, I might not have known that Ms. Reinhart was singing at all. For the first few songs, with a Brazilian feel, I thought she might be singing in Portuguese - but alas, no. About all I could perceive during the concert was the pulse of the drums and the bass. I never did hear the saxophone, and the guitar and keyboard were mostly obscured.
I can't say why the sound was so bad. Perhaps a meeting with the sound reinforcement staff would be in order.
On the plus side, Ms. Reinhart appeared to be an engaging, enthusiastic, and energetic vocalist. She seemed to be having a good time. I just wish I could have heard her.
It pains me to have written such a review. I think Ms. Reinhart is a tremendous talent, has a wonderful voice, certainly knows how to put over a song, and deserves great success. But the actual sound quality of the performance was so poor that all of her many positive qualities were lost in the sonic lahar.