by Marie on 11/6/23Lexington Opera House - LexingtonDarren AKA southern momma and red squirrel were awesome... they both were so funny... would love to see them again
Darren AKA southern momma and red squirrel were awesome... they both were so funny... would love to see them again
I loved the show, Gary Cargel is very funny he makes everyone laugh. Red Squirrel is hilarious makes laugh me at the sound of her voice ( love the southern accent) knowing that every story she tells is funny. Southern Momma is the best I could listen to him 24hrs his stories are so laughingly true of a wonderful childhood that made many of us grow up grateful and respectful. He is the Best ????
I loved Southern momma, todays topics were talked about in a comical way but a truthful way. I laughed so hard. Then to get to meet and greet with Darren and rest of crew was awesome. Very down to earth people and person. I love and have seen Etta May a few times and Southern Momma was by far my best comedy show I have been to. Can’t wait for the next opportunity to see in action again
Red Squirrel was funny as ever but Darren just wasn't as good as his last Opera House performance. He seemed a little bored and tired of the material. Would love to have seen the true Southern Momma feminine act come out more.
We had an amazing time. All three comedians and the Dj was so great.
We have been to two shows. Chattanooga and Atlanta. Don’t expect to see his momma videos? That would be kinda weird if he just acted like he does for the videos. BUT LET ME TELL YOU!! They are so funny. I was so mad when I had to get up and go to the bathroom but they would’ve had to have a clean up on row 14 if I didn’t. I never stopped laughing and crying. Can’t wait to go again and see these guys! I love them all! Thank you guys for bringing some laughter to this crazy world. Please never stop. ??
All the comedians were really funny and we really liked the DJ! Red Squirrel was our favorite!
We went to see Southern Momma! Having an opener is understandable, NOT THREE. The last one would not stop and wasn't funny. We were expecting to hear Southern Momma, his phone calls, his yelling at the kids.. like we hear/see on social media. We just saw another comedian. Nothing special. Won't go again.
Darren’s stand up was very funny, enjoyable, and true to life. No Southern Mama though. The two female performers were awesome! The older guy, don’t remember his name, is a no go. His stand up performance was horrible at best. Should have left him behind and had an inter-mission instead.
Most of the show was his very vulgar opening acts. Southern mama was on the stage maybe 40 mins of the 2 hour show. I don’t mind a little off color comedy but this was x-rated coming and going. Was very disappointed. A lot of people got up and left. He should not advertise his live performances as “southern mama” if it’s nothing like his videos.