An unforgettable night. The crowd energy was high and positive, which fed the band and made for a great interplay. Numerous times they commented on that. The mosh pit was full throttle but no one was throwing elbows, people picked each other up if they fell. The set list was PERFECT imo. Of course hearing every track on Source Tags was what we all came for, but the other ~7 songs were all killer choices as well, such as Will You Smile Again, Clair de Lune, Bells of Creation, Caterwaul, and A Perfect Teenhood. What surprised me the most was how good Conrad sounded. Sorry you know we love you but I've seen shows before when you were just way off-key the entire night. This was different - he was on point. Sure he strains for the high notes just like we expect but he gave it the old college try, not like those musicians who re-write all their melodies to avoid trying.